148 County Rd 1750
Mount Pleasant, Texas 75455
Sunday at 10:30am
Sunday Sermon Based Small Groups
Tuesday at 6pm
The Vine en Español es una iglesia bilingüe. Nos reunimos para adorar juntos a través de la música, la oración y las ofrendas, y luego tenemos tiempos de predicación individuales en inglés y en español.
" There will be no transformation in your life until the Gospel takes root in your heart "
There has been a gospel-centered community to the north of Mount Pleasant, Titus County, Texas for more than 150 years. While organizations change, the gospel never changes.
Our official statement of faith is the BFM v. 2000. We adhere to historic baptist doctrine.
Our church embraces community, servant leadership, and spiritual growth, grounded in biblical teachings.
We are here to equip the church for the work of ministry, and make disciples of all nations. The Vine Church is: Christ-ruled, Pastor-led, Deacon-served, Congregation-affirmed
Welcome to The Vine! We exist to be a gospel rooted community, connecting others to Jesus. We can't wait to meet you! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via text or call!
There is a box in the hallway where you can worship through giving in person.
Join in the mission of The Vine by giving online.
148 County Road 1750
Mount Pleasant, Texas 75455
Our Pastor is available for you to connect with, feel free to call or text Tim at 833-900-3695
or email him at pastortim@vinechurchmp.org.